The Good, The Bad, and Well that’s about all

May 9th, 2011

The Good Things I’m Thankful For

  • Emma getting weepy and crying because she can’t cuddle with me because it hurts to hug.
  • Emma and Erin fighting over who gets to do little jobs for me around the house.
  • My husband, Buck, surprising me with a Cafe Mocha when he gets back from dropping girls off for school.
  • My momma making up my bed when she is staying with me.
  • My momma rubbing my back and feet on demand no matter what else she is in the middle of.
  • My little fifi dog sunny always laying in my lap no matter where i’m sitting.
  • The unconditional love and admiration of my friends. This isn’t as tough as they think but I might as well milk it right?
  • Being able to spend time at home relaxing and stress free because of all my great staff and my fantastic business partner Jim Langlois who is just a saint for making all of this so much better for me. Jim also owns Interglo Stone – a importer of granite products for the production of headstones. Boy i’m gonna have the finest grave marker that ever did exist one day!
  • Getting my drainage tubes out on May 10. Like shedding a ball and chain!

The Bad Things I’m Tolerant Of

  • Noticing my pill box getting empty and worrying about it.
  • Thinking of not needing to see my doctors again soon. I’ve really taken a liking to Dr. Gunn and Dr. Moore.
  • The drainage tubes in my breast. They hurt!
  • Having to wear a grenade sized drainage pump with a tube sticking out of me when i’m trying to look normal in public.
  • Having awful bruises and scars.
  • Having to sleep on my back all night.
  • Having to wear a tight bra all the time. Weren’t my perky little boobies supposed to stand up without one? I know that time is coming soon but it is not now!
  • Having trouble typing…seriously my fingers aren’t moving at the speed of my brain or the other way around. Not really sure.
  • Getting diagnosed with a small necrotic patch of skin on my right breast on May 10.


  1. Tracy says:

    I thought the drainage tubes were some kind of cute handbag or accessory. You are always stylin’ even toting medical gear around! Wish I was closer to offer some face to face support, but that will happen this summer!! Only 14 more days of school with kids.. whose counting? The teachers!!!

  2. Thank you for sharing this intimate part of your life with all of us. I admire your courage, I am humbled by your openness and I am awed by the realness of you as a mom, daughter, wife, business woman, etc. You are a sister/friend to us all.