The Next Journey

May 10th, 2011

Barely done with the mastectomy, the next phase of treatment begins. I have an appointment with my oncologist on Thursday at Northeast Georgia Cancer Care. Apparently Dr. Splichal will be seeing me.

I *think* I have stage II breast cancer but I’m not really sure. There are multiple levels of stage II and I don’t know which one it is. I hope to get some clarification on that on Thursday.

I have a pretty good sense that I will be undergoing 4 months of chemotherapy. Not sure what the cocktail will be like but I predict it will be a hard hitter since i’m young and “healthy” so to speak.

While I don’t meet the textbook requirement for radiation, I believe Dr. Splichal is leaning towards suggesting I undergo radiation therapy. I haven’t heard that from him directly but i’ve been duly warned and am prepared to follow orders. My breast MRI was pretty much like the milky way so I have heard and even though they have removed all of the breast tissue a few rogue cancer cells could still be hanging out around in there. The radiation will give them the final blow so to speak, and me as well.

Already tired, so going to bed. I better get used to this going to bed early thing and actually sleeping through the night. This is new for me.


  1. Anita (mom) says:

    Well, I think I know you well, and anything that is a challenge will be met head on with those newly acquired boxing gloves. You will always have me to give it a few jabs as well.

  2. Laura Bierema says:

    Thank you for your candid reflections and humor. Sending you all good energy!

  3. Jonathan Jones says:

    Still keeping you in my thoughts – still have Locos on standby as well, just waiting for the go ahead.

    My mom used to work at Northeast Georgia Cancer Care – good people there, they will take good care of you.

    Keep up the positive attitude and humor, so good to see you in good spirit!

    Please let me know if you need anything!

  4. Girl, I can help you get a jumpstart on that cirrhosis. Although, let’s tackle one thing at a time, oh-kayyyyyy? I’m sending along healing vibes. And, at the end of the day, know this…you still totally rock. Nasty necrosis and all…

  5. Jackie says:

    You are a brave girl and I think you might could just write a book of your journey and help others that follow LU

  6. Odie says:

    Finally, some new porn to surf, and it doesn’t cost me 2.99 a minute like these other sites. Besides, who needs a whole minute? Speaking of a minute, I wanted to take more than a few minutes to dip into your blog, say hello, and cheer you on. Desire, more than fear, is the most powerful force in the world that causes us to succeed. Thomas Edison, invented the light bulb not because of fear, but Desire. You see, he and Mrs Edison were sitting at home one evening having a few cocktails. Mrs. Edison, feeling a little randy turned to her husband and said, “Tommy honey, one of these nights, I’d like to do it with the lights on.”. Two things popped up that night. The second thing was the “light bulb” that popped up over Tommy’s head. Desire is a powerful drug. Desire created the light bulb, and it all started Mrs. Edison’s tits. Keep up the good fight my friend! BTW, Keep the photos coming. I can get past a few scars. What can I say, I’m a guy.

    • admin says:

      Oh my. Wasn’t sure if that was even publishable but hell if my friends can handle my humor then yours isn’t THAT big a stretch ;)

      • Odie says:

        Steph, I figured if they r your friends, they can handle me my humor, NO PROBLEM. BTW, you and Buck still owe me lunch. Im busy as a prostitute at a prison rodeo the rest of this month, so maybe next? Oh, i almost forgot to mention… chemo may cause a bit of nausea, so to help with that take a box of Exlax. Within 30 minutes,, you’ll be afraid to puke.